Registered Massage Therapy
Our registered massage therapists work with you to provide you with a relaxing and effective treatment.

Through the assessment and manipulation of soft tissues and joints, massage therapy can have a very positive effect on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. The rehabilitation of physical injuries, and the improvement of health and relaxation, are some of the benefits resulting from therapeutic massage.
By using therapeutic and relaxation techniques, Registered Massage Therapists are able to treat a broad range of conditions, including:
- Sudden Injuries (like those from sports, recreational activities, or motor vehicle accidents)
- Repetitive Strain Injuries (i.e. tendonitis; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; “Tennis Elbow”; etc)
- Pregnancy
- Sciatica
- Arthritic Conditions
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
…. and many other conditions.
What to expect
Registered Massage Therapy treatments may consist an interview, discussion of the presenting condition, assessment/reassessment, treatment, and any home care instruction within the scheduled time period. During your initial visit, the first 5-15 minutes will be spent covering relative aspects of your health history. All intake forms will be sent to you electronically or can be completed in person at the clinic.

Education and Feedback
Any questions you may have will be answered so you are comfortable and understand the goals of your treatment and the method of treatment itself. Instruction on how to alleviate pain, maintenance and preventive methods, such as stretching/strengthening exercises will be given to maximize the benefits of the treatment process.
Benefits of massage therapy include:
- Pain management
- Increased circulation
- Greater range of motion and flexibility
- Relaxation
- Stress reduction